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Help Lines

It's okay to ask for help

This is a fun, stress relieving event, but it's also important to understand why we're doing this in the first place. Sometimes it can be really scary to ask for help, but the first thing you can do is admit that there is something going on that you are struggling with, whether that is big or small.


Once you have done that you can talk to a friend or family member you trust, or call or text any of these help lines. They are there to help you with anything and everything and are non-judgemental. You are stronger than you think and no one should go through their struggles alone. We're all in this together.

Holding Hands

Self Harm

1(800) 273-8255

1(800) 366-8288

Text "HOME" to 741741

Domestic Abuse

National Domestic Abuse Hotline

1(800) 799-7233


Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network 1(800) 656-4673

Eating Disorders

(650) 292-0253

(888) 375-7767

Call or Text (800) 931-2237

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